Every two years Naarden hosts the Naarden Foto Festival: a photography exhibition featuring the latest developments within the Dutch photography scene, honouring tradition whilst looking towards the future. Outstanding photographers are invited to exhibit their latest work and young professionals are encouraged to submit their work, having a chance at being selected. I decided to submit and am proud to share that my work has been selected for the festival!!!
The festival is always linked to a theme, in 2015 this will be "Water". Water is closely tied to The Netherlands, not only in its history but also in the lives of the Dutch. It has always been an inspiration within many fields, including sports, travel, artists, singers and photographers.
Unfortunately I can't show the pictures just yet, as they remain a surprise for the festival. However, you are of course invited to come and have a look yourself, the festival will run from May 14th 2015 - June 21st 2015. For more information on ticket sales and times, please go their website.
Hope to see you there!